Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are you ready for this?

Hey Bloggers!

It's been awhile... I'm sorry about that. But are you ready? I mean, ARE YOU READY?

That's right, you heard correctly. The final deadline to purchase your chance at $1 million in cash is coming up quickly. October 20th? Can you believe it.

Well in honor our quickly approaching deadline, we've got some things to tell you about. So once more I will ask you? Are you ready? Because I am, and I'm about to REVEAL the details to you...

You have until WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 6 to ask your kid, what would you do with $1 million dollars? That's it! Just ask your kid that, and before your ask your kid, whip out your flip, iphone, camera, or whatever your film media is these days, and video tape your kid's response. Then send it over my way to You should want to do this for many reasons, but let me make a list of the top 3.....
#3 It will be, undoubtedly hilarious
#2 We are going to make a compilation video of our favorite answers, and the winners will get a free spot in an OI 2011 Summer Camp ($250-$300 value)
#1 The winner's parents will also receive a ticket in the Laguna Beach Million Dollar Home Raffle!

Yeah that's right, all for taking a 10 second video, you could win, a sidesplitting burst of laughter, a week of parental bliss while your child is learning, and having fun during the summer, AND be the winner of $1million.... so cool right?

Do it. Do it right now. What are you waiting for?

So what if you're reading this blog and thinking, "but Rachel, I don't have a kid, not even one that I can borrow for 10 seconds to make a funny video of." Well to you, I say, grab a friend over 21, and head down to OI on Friday October 8 at 6pm. We're going to par-tay! Network! and Mingle!

There's going to be live music, cocktails, and yummy food. We're doing this event so none of you can ever say again, "oh, I've heard of that Ocean Institute place, it's where the pirate ships are, right?" No! Those are OUR ships! And We're the best place in South Orange County! Hands down! I have free complimentary admission on the table for the person that can answer this question.... we've got a friend coming to this party that will be dressed like a cow... give me your best guess!

So did you get all those dates down? I hope! Let me do a quick recap for you....
WEDNESDAY October 6.... last day to submit your "what would you do with a million bucks?" video
Friday October 8... REVEAL event at the OI
Wednesday October 20.... final deadline to purchase your Laguna Beach Home Raffle Tickets

So ready? Go make your videos. RSVP to me. And buy your raffle ticket!

Raffling the Good Life,
Raffle Rachel